Post surgery pain adhesion pain

 Our treatment is successful in 90% of the cases. Our protocol is short and takes up to just 10 visits to control pain. 


If you are not responding by the third treatment we will refund your money for the first 2 treatments.


Did you know that surgery can cause adhesions which cause chronic pain?

Wherever there has been a surgical cut in the body there will be a scar. Scar tissue can develop into a band of scars called an adhesion and these often cause chronic pain. Post surgery adhesion pain commonly occurs in C-Sections, abdominal, gynecological, orthopaedic and cosmetic surgery and affects around 50% to 90% of people. This can happen weeks, months or sometimes years after the surgery, so you may not even realize the pain you are now having is connected to the surgery you had.  


There is a simple fast method to eliminate post surgery adhesion pain. 

The nerves are 'messengers' for pain and adhesions make them very irritated. Some people have adhesions but NO PAIN. This means that the body has a built in mechanism to regulate the nerves so they don't cause pain but when this doesn't happen the mechanism needs to be 'encouraged'. That's where we can help. 


What is involved in the Program for  Pain Control.

Pain control methods to re-program the neurological environment of the pelvic area using manual techniques, acupuncture or dry needling. 


Initial Consultation. We will-

  • Go over your medical history and symptoms
  • Explain the reason for pain and the mechanism involved
  • Explain the whole treatment protocol
  • Explain the methods we use and how they will benefit your condition



The frequency of treatments needs to be twice a week to get the best results. The treatment involves gentle manual therapy combined with acupuncture and is designed specifically to regulate the nerves to eliminate pain and bring normality to the problem area. 


Post Surgery Ahhesion Pain Questionnaire FEMALE
Please print, fill out this questionnaire and bring it with you to your first consultation.
Adhesion Pain Patient Questionnaire fema
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